NCHR Testimony at the FDA about a Circulatory System Device

June 12, 2018. Since it is a high-risk device, the INCRAFT AAA Stent Graft System should be held to a high standard for approval. As you determine whether you have reasonable assurance of this device’s safety and effectiveness, we urge you to consider the benefits and risks for patients.

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Opinion: Morning Exams Should Not Be So Early

Technician, May 13, 2018. The most prominent issue with very early exams is that, even if a student went to bed extremely early in preparation, odds are that they will still suffer from sluggishness and tiredness come exam time. NCHR published an article listing some of the various effects early wake-up times have on students, which include loss of focus and concentration and poor emotional health, which can horribly impair the exam performance of even the most prepared of students.

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