Why are Youth Suicides Increasing?

The last 20 years has seen a troubling spike in suicides in the U.S., including youth suicides. Potential causes include isolation and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, the influence of social media, and access to firearms and lethal pills. Further research is essential to determine how to best support vulnerable groups and youth mental health in ways that prevent suicides.

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ADHD Treatment: Medications and Alternatives

ADHD is a frequently diagnosed condition, and many children and adults take medication to help control the symptoms. But the medication can have serious side effects, there are concerns that ADHD is overdiagnosed and the medications are misused or abused, and there are alternative treatments. This article explains the risk and benefits of medications and includes alternatives that can reduce dosage or replace medications.

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Can Children Get Exercise Through Video Games? (“Exergaming”?)

Laura Julstorm, Hana Rahman National Center for Health Research Active video games have become popular amongst children ages 6-17. Active games, or exergames, simulate real life physical activities like dancing, bowling, swimming, etc.,requiring players to move around. Exergames market themselves as a way to get off the couch, get active, and stay healthy. Active games […]

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