Breastfeeding is very good for babies, but a 2003 report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that breastfeeding babies be given vitamin D supplements to prevent them from developing rickets or vitamin D deficiency.
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Should your children take medication for a cold? Are some popular children’s sports more dangerous than you think? Are children reaching puberty earlier than ever before, and if so, why? Why is breastfeeding important? If my children have no health insurance, might I be able to get low-cost insurance for them? The National Center for Health Research makes this information available and understandable.
Keeping your child safe and healthy partly depends on keeping them away from harmful habits and behaviors, including smoking, alcohol, violence, and sexual activities that can harm them.
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For information about how to help your children so that they won’t get cancer as adults, visit our Cancer Prevention & Treatment site.
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Can Eating Fish Be Dangerous? The Facts About Methylmercury
Mercury is a mineral that exists naturally in the environment. Bacteria and natural processes can transform mercury into the organic mercury compound methylmercury, which is a poisonous substance. Unfortunately, this toxin is in the fish we eat.
Read More »Alli: The FDA’s First Over-the-Counter Diet Drug
Alli is the first FDA-approved over-the-counter weight loss pill. The active ingredient in Alli inhibits the absorption of certain fats in the intestine. The subsequent excretion of these unabsorbed fats helps patients lose weight.
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