Cosmetics, including shampoo and other products we all use, will cost U.S. consumers $92 billion this year. They contain various chemicals, often including harmful substances like parabens and phthalates. These products can also harm the environment and pose greater risks to salon workers. His article helps consumers read labels, reduce exposures to unsafe ingredients, and choose eco-friendly cosmetics for safety.
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Reducing Opioid Doses: A Promising Strategy to Combat the Opioid Crisis
What can we learn from this study? It shows that it is possible to help patients who are taking daily opioids to reduce their opioid dose in a community pain clinic with one doctor’s help and a self-help book.
Read More »NCHR Comments on the FDA’s Opioid Public Steering Committee (OPSC)
December 21, 2017. We applaud the FDA for addressing their role in developing strategies to “confront” the opioid crisis. We agree that the magnitude and scope of this crisis requires urgent action and agree that the FDA should consider patients’ and other relevant groups’ interests in developing effective approaches to reduce further harm from opioids.
Read More »Are Codeine Medications Too Risky for You or Your Children?
Codeine is one of the most widely prescribed medications for pain and for coughs in children and adults. In recent years, serious concerns have been raised about its safety in children. Since the safety and effectiveness of codeine is unpredictable in children, even when prescribed correctly, experts believe codeine should never be given to children.
Read More »Which Medicines Contain Acetaminophen?
Make sure that you and your family are not exceeding the maximum daily dose of acetaminophen, and get recommendations for alternative medicines.
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