Labels for Some Birth Control May Require Stronger Wording

WBALTV, December 9, 2011. Experts said the new generation of birth control pills, like Yaz and Yasmine, contain a new type of hormone called drospirenone, and several studies have suggested that women who take these types of birth control pills have twice the risk for developing blood clots compared to those taking older forms of pills.

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FDA Revokes Avastin Approval for Breast Cancer- Decision Leaves Some Devastated

The Washington Post, November 19, 2011. “The science is clear: Breast cancer patients are more likely to be harmed than helped by Avastin,” said Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families. “The risks of the drug are very substantial and can be fatal, killing patients long before they would otherwise die from the disease. FDA made a scientific decision, and it was absolutely the right decision.”

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