Death by Medicine

Huffington Post, November 2012. NRC President Dr. Diana Zuckerman calls for closing loopholes in FDA rules in this guest post on the Huffington Post.

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What the Health Care Decision Means to Us

Huffington Post, July 3, 2012. The term “Obamacare” began as an insult, but now it’s the name almost everyone uses to describe the healthcare reform law. Earlier this year, some of Mitt Romney’s critics called it RomneyCare, because it was, after all, a descendent of the healthcare program that Mitt Romney developed for Massachusetts. (An excellent program that Romney now says he opposes.)

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The Other Health Care Bill

Huffington Post, June 19, 2012. It’s an election year and, despite our hopes for a better economy, even the best candidates can’t deliver on their promises to improve it. It’s a bigger issue than one person, however powerful. But they could health improve our health, if they wanted to.

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