Actress Elisabeth Rohm Joins the Fight Against Cancer

November 8, 2016. We were thrilled when Elisabeth Rohm enthusiastically agreed to film a public service announcement for the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund. She is particularly interested in our unique work to prevent cancer and keeping cancer-causing chemicals out of children’s products as well as our food, homes, and neighborhoods.

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Patient Advocacy Workshops

Researchers in government and medical schools are listening to patients’ perspectives on the risks and benefits of treatments. They need to hear from patients like YOU! We are offering a free workshop for patients and family members who want to be patient advocates

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2016 Foremother and Health Policy Hero Awards Luncheon

May 12, 2016. This year’s awards luncheon was held at the historic Mayflower Hotel in Washington DC. We honored Judy Woodruff, Elaine Jones, and Nancy Pelosi as Foremothers and Flint, Michigan heroes LeeAnne Walters and Marc Edwards as Health Policy Heroes. It was a huge success and a wonderful honor to be able to hear from such inspirational leaders!

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