What Everyone with Type 2 Diabetes Should Know

Talk with your doctor about the blood sugar goal range that is best for you, considering your lifestyle, other health considerations, and preferences. Read this article carefully to educate yourself about the risks of different diabetes medications before you talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of each choice and how they might affect you. Consider the medical histories of your parents and siblings, since that can influence your health risks as well. Ask questions until you feel confident that you understand all the possible options.

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Avandia: What’s Known and Not Known

Since heart disease is the #1 cause of death among diabetics, it is reasonable to ask why a diabetes drug that possibly increases rather than decreases the risk of heart disease should remain on the market. Are warnings enough to keep patients safe? After looking at the study results, many experts are urging that patients and doctors consider whether older drugs for diabetes may be safer and more effective–as well as much less expensive. They are asking: should Avandia remain on the market?

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