Women’s Health Issues, August 2016. Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery in the US, but studies have shown that suicide rates are higher for women with implants.
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What Would Impact of 21st Century Cures Act be on Your Healthcare Costs and the Lives of Alzheimer’s Patients?
The BMJ, November 23, 2015. A controversial proposed new health law would have had a terrible impact on the lives of Alzheimer’s patients and their families, who would have spent billions on medications that don’t work and can cause cancer.
Read More »Understanding the Controversies Over a Groundbreaking New Health Care Law
Milbank Quarterly, August 10, 2015. The House of Representatives did something surprising: They passed a groundbreaking health care law with strong bipartisan support. That sounds like good news. However, this groundbreaking health care law is almost as controversial as the previous one.
Read More »Essure Permanent Contraception Device: Not So Permanent and Many Side Effects
Contraception, April 2014. Accurate information about how well Essure works and its long-term safety are essential so that women who do not want more children can make an informed choice regarding their contraceptive options.
Read More »Will 20th Century Patient Safeguards Be Reversed in the 21st century?
The BMJ, March 25, 2015. Our new commentary warns of potentially deadly consequences of new legislation to speed the drug approval process while weakening the standards for safety and efficacy.
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