Alcohol and Cancer

The link between alcohol and cancer may surprise you. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) reports that drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer of the mouth and throat, vocal cords, esophagus, liver, breast, and colon. The risks are greatest in those with heavy and long-term alcohol use, but even moderate drinking can add up over a lifetime, increasing the chance of developing cancer.

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Everything You Need To Know to Choose Safe Cosmetic Products

Cosmetics, including shampoo and other products we all use, will cost U.S. consumers $92 billion this year. They contain various chemicals, often including harmful substances like parabens and phthalates. These products can also harm the environment and pose greater risks to salon workers. His article helps consumers read labels, reduce exposures to unsafe ingredients, and choose eco-friendly cosmetics for safety.

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Eating Habits That Improve Health and Help with Weight Loss and BMI

More and more research studies are confirming the importance of keeping body mass index (BMI) and waistline measurements under control in order to reduce the risk of disease and premature death. Keeping track of calories and fat percentages can be confusing, and the nutrition labels on the foods we buy aren’t always that helpful. How are consumers supposed to figure out which diet advice is just hype – that ultimately don’t contribute to better health – and which advice offers good, medically sound information?

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