Exercise is one of NCHR’s seven recommended ways to maximize your health. If you want to exercise but aren’t sure where to begin, we can help! If you feel like your daily life doesn’t allow you to get fit (not enough time, no money for a gym membership, etc.), we have some “work-arounds” that may help.
Read More »Preventing Disease & Staying Healthy
We all know that it’s good to exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and get a good night’s sleep. But it’s hard to change our habits, especially if we don’t have persuasive proof that it will improve our lives and health.
The National Center for Health Research is constantly reviewing new research to determine what we can do that will prevent diseases and keep us healthy.
Excellent research is being conducted to learn exactly what kinds of foods and exercise will help you prevent specific diseases, and what exposures to avoid in your daily life. The results are sometimes confusing because new products to prevent diseases are aggressively advertised, whether they work or not. Sometimes the best strategies are ones that don’t cost anything – but who is going to pay to advertise those?
We cut through the hype. We scrutinize new research, and call the researchers to learn even more. Then we translate it into plain language that you can understand.
To find the information you need, please use our search box to search for exactly what you are looking for or browse through our various topics on the right. →
If you’re looking for information about how to prevent cancer, go to our Cancer Prevention and Treatment web site at www.stopcancerfund.org . If you don’t see what you’re looking for on any health topic, contact us through our online health helpline at info@center4research.org. We’ll try to get the information you need within a few days.
The Unknown Health Risks of Air Pollution
Air pollution is a hot topic in the media. Here is what you need to know about the causes of air pollution and how it affects the health of adults and children.
Read More »Ten Easy Tips to Get Your Family Eating Healthy
Does switching to healthier foods seem like an impossible chore? It doesn’t have to be! Change your habits gradually with these 10 simple tips.
Read More »NCHR Comments to USPSTF on Non-traditional Screening Methods for Heart Disease
February 12, 2018, USPSTF. We agree with the USPSTF that current evidence is insufficient to assess potential benefits and harms of adding the ankle-brachial index (ABI), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), or coronary artery calcification (CAC) score to the traditional risk assessments for CVD.
Read More »NCHR Comments on USPSTF Draft Screening Recommendations for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
USPSTF, February 12, 2018. In order to more widely recommend ABI, we need more studies directly evaluating both the efficacy and harms. Most importantly, we encourage the USPSTF to review studies that analyze the accuracy of ABI and its effect on improving health outcomes in asymptomatic PAD patients.
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