Swimming is a healthful and fun activity that many people enjoy, but a few tips can make swimming safer and healthier for everyone.
Read More »Preventing Disease & Staying Healthy
We all know that it’s good to exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and get a good night’s sleep. But it’s hard to change our habits, especially if we don’t have persuasive proof that it will improve our lives and health.
The National Center for Health Research is constantly reviewing new research to determine what we can do that will prevent diseases and keep us healthy.
Excellent research is being conducted to learn exactly what kinds of foods and exercise will help you prevent specific diseases, and what exposures to avoid in your daily life. The results are sometimes confusing because new products to prevent diseases are aggressively advertised, whether they work or not. Sometimes the best strategies are ones that don’t cost anything – but who is going to pay to advertise those?
We cut through the hype. We scrutinize new research, and call the researchers to learn even more. Then we translate it into plain language that you can understand.
To find the information you need, please use our search box to search for exactly what you are looking for or browse through our various topics on the right. →
If you’re looking for information about how to prevent cancer, go to our Cancer Prevention and Treatment web site at www.stopcancerfund.org . If you don’t see what you’re looking for on any health topic, contact us through our online health helpline at info@center4research.org. We’ll try to get the information you need within a few days.
What You Need to Know About the Measles and Vaccines
Measles is in the news, and many parents are wondering if their children are at risk. Here is what you need to know.
Read More »What You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep and Your Health
Many children and adults are not getting enough sleep. There are always good excuses – Too much work to do! I just got an email or text message that I need to respond to! – but the bottom line is you need more sleep and it’s much better to find ways to fall asleep naturally than to rely on sleeping pills.
Read More »State Fact Sheets on Medical Device Tax
Lobbyists have blanketed the U.S. Congress to demand a repeal to the 2.3% medical device tax. The lobbyists claim that the tax is a terrible burden on medical device companies and is causing the companies to cut jobs.
Read More »Quitting Smoking: Women and Men May Do it Differently
Quitting smoking is hard to do, and new studies suggest that what works for men may not always work for women, and vice versa.
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