December 8, 2022: The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) agrees with the Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) 2022 recommendations for diabetes screening after pregnancy. WPSI encourages continued diligence during the postpartum period in patients who were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. That’s important because gestational diabetes increases a patient’s chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
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NCHR Comments on EPA Request for Information on Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management to Help Reduce COVID-19
December 5, 2022: Current IAQ standards are insufficient and poorly regulated at state and local levels to keep the public safe from increased COVID-19 transmission and other respiratory illnesses. Federal mandates would ensure that all indoor public spaces are properly assessed to improve ventilation rates. In the absence of greater regulation, the EPA must promote alternative methods of air filtration such as the Corsi-Rosenthal Box.
Read More »National Center for Health Research (NCHR) Comment on FDA proposed ruling for ACNU Nonprescription Drug Products
November 25, 2022: We appreciate the FDA’s interest in establishing requirements for a nonprescription drug product with an additional condition for nonprescription use (ACNU). However, the FDA has not identified a mechanism to ensure appropriate use. Based on our experience with patients across the country, we believe it would be impossible to do so. For that reason, we do not support the proposed ruling.
Read More »NCHR’s Comment for the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee
November 7, 2022: NCHR urges CLIAC to amend its Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 because CLIA needs to better reflect the advancements in science and technology that occurred over the past two decades. Current CLIA standards have numerous limitations and deficiencies that must be addressed. Two examples include the accuracy of lab-developed diagnostic tests and the electronic health records and software prompts used by physicians across the country.
Read More »NCHR Speaks out on the Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs’ decision to cover abortion and abortion counseling
October 11, 2022: Women veterans number about two million and make up the fastest-growing group of veterans in the U.S. today. We commend the Department of Veterans Affairs for its decision to expand healthcare coverage for women veterans to include abortion and abortion counseling. This action will help ensure that veterans and their beneficiaries have access to a full complement of reproductive healthcare regardless of where they live.
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