NCHR Testimony on Low Nicotine Cigarette Claim

February 14, 2020. NCHR strongly opposes the approval of this modified risk application by the 22nd Century Group for their low-nicotine combusted filtered cigarette tobacco products. Evidence is lacking to support the claim that this product significantly reduces harm for smokers. At the same time, it is likely to entice people who have never smoked, especially adolescents, to start smoking.

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Written Statement to the First Selectman’s Capital Improvement Program’s Public Hearing Regarding Dangers of Artificial Turf

January 9, 2020. Officials in communities all over the country have been misled by artificial turf salespeople. They were erroneously told that these products are safe. But on the contrary, there is clear scientific evidence that these materials are potentially harmful. The only question is how harmful and how much exposure is likely to be harmful? We should not be willing to take such a risk. Our children deserve better.

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