Emergency Contraception & Sexual Assault: Why Compassionate Care Should Be a Standard of Care

The Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies (CARE) Act of 2009 (H.R.1236) and the Prevention First Act of 2009 (H.R.463/S.21) were introduced in Congress in early 2009. The sole purpose of the CARE Act, and one of several goals of the Prevention First Act, would be to direct hospitals and emergency medicine facilities that receive federal funding to inform all women who have been sexually assaulted about emergency contraception (also known as the “morning after pill” or “Plan B”) and to make it available to them, regardless of their ability to pay.

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Surviving Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes in the United States, with researchers estimating that more than half of all sexual assaults and rapes going unreported.

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