Kris Pickel, CBS5 News: March 25, 2019.
Are breast implants safe?
Tens of thousands of women say breast implants made them sick.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now looking into the claims that Arizona’s Family Kris Pickel has been investigating for years.
Women from all over the country went to FDA headquarters in Washington on Monday.
These women represent the growing number of women coming forward who believe breast implants are the source of unexplained illnesses ranging from extreme fatigue, joint pain to memory issues and auto-immune disorders.
Breast Implant Illness is not currently recognized as a medical condition.
The FDA’s stance is that science doesn’t link implants to illness. An FDA panel is taking another look at the science. They are also hearing from doctors, experts, industry representatives and women who became ill after getting implants.
Dr. Diana Zuckerman with the National Center for Health Research says 6,000 women have asked for help getting insurance companies to pay for their implants to be removed. Dr Zuckerman says they’ve only been able to help 1,000 women get their implants removed and of those only 25% were able to get insurance coverage.
However, the results after explanting are dramatic. Of the 1,000 women, 90% reported their health improved with 61% saying there were “much better”.
See the original story and video here.