Nov 18, 2024
Project Name, FDR Park – Nature Phase Environmental Restoration
Project Location, 1954 Pattison Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19145
To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of the National Center for Health Research at the request of your constituents who have asked us to provide you with scientific information regarding your plans for FDR Park. As president of a nonprofit public health research center staffed by medical and public health experts, I will focus on the health dangers that would be caused by your planned installation of artificial turf fields. I will share some of the same information I have provided as an invited speaker addressing national, state, and local agencies, including the EPA, CDC, and Consumer Product Safety Commission.
It is my understanding that Parks and Recreation officials told Department of Environmental Protection officials that the surrounding community was informed of their plans and addressed those concerns at community meetings, but your constituents tell me that this is not true. More importantly, it seems that the officials involved have incorrect information about the risks of artificial turf fields, and I want to make sure that you understand how harmful these fields are to community members because of the direct exposures for those who use the fields, as well as the indirect impact on the community because the artificial turf will harm the environment.
There was a time when artificial turf was considered a reasonable alternative to grass fields, but we know better now, because we know about the risks of PFAS chemicals, microplastics, and heat islands.These enormous fields will reach temperatures of 150-180 degrees fahrenheit on many summer days — and probably some spring and fall days as well. Whatever the season, children and adults will inhale microplastics and PFAS from the air when they use the fields or are watching nearby. Research shows that PFAS and other hormone-disrupting chemicals in the plastic grass carpet and likely infill increase the chances of developing asthma, obesity, early puberty, infertility, ADHD, and can eventually cause cancer. These conditions are already more common than community members want them to be; do you want to be responsible for harmful exposures that increase their prevalence?
Artificial turf fields must be watered regularly to keep them from getting dangerously hard and to prevent bacterial infections from harming children or adults who cut or scrape their skin while playing. Research also shows that numerous injuries are more common on artificial turf fields than natural grass, which is why the NFL players’ associations have demanded natural grass and why 24 of 30 MLB ballparks have natural grass.
When the artificial turf fields become unusable (usually after 5-12 years), they can’t be recycled. Claims that they are recycled range from exaggerations to lies: It is sometimes possible to recycle a small amount of the plastic used, but more than 90% ends up in landfills.
Artificial turf companies also claim that U.S. federal agencies have concluded artificial turf is safe. That is not true. In fact, no government studies have examined the long-term impact of artificial turf fields on children, adults, or the environment. The only scientists who have claimed evidence of safety are those paid by the companies that financially benefit from artificial turf.
I understand the desire to have the most attractive park possible, but you owe it to the community to make sure that FDR Park does not harm the health and environmental needs of the community. Please let me know if you’d like to see the scientific articles that support what I have stated.
Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D.
National Center for Health Research