NCHR Co-Signs Letter of Support for Patient Advocacy Transparency Act

March 8, 2018

The Honorable Claire McCaskill
United States Senate
503 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC, 20510

Dear Senator McCaskill:

We welcome the Patient Advocacy Transparency Act, which will expand the Physician
Payments Sunshine Act to include disclosure of pharmaceutical and medical device company
payments to advocacy organizations, professional societies, and other third
parties. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies spend enormous sums of
money influencing physicians’ prescribing habits, but they also fund patient advocacy groups,
professional organizations, public relations firms, and medical education and communication

The vast majority of health-oriented non-profit groups are industry-funded. Industry spends tens
of millions of dollars annually on influencing non-profit groups to support activities that can
influence drug policy, support high prices, and help create, expand, or maintain the market for
specific drugs. Industry-funded nonprofit groups associated with the Pain Care Forum, for
example, opposed state measures aimed at restricting opioid prescriptions.

Currently, non-profit groups are not legally required to disclose how much money they receive
from industry, or which companies fund them (a few voluntarily disclose payments). It is vital
for consumers, journalists, researchers, and policymakers to know which pharmaceutical
companies support which groups – and how much money they give. This legislation will
provide the public with a powerful tool to ensure that advocacy groups and professional
associations serve the public interest. The undersigned groups and individuals enthusiastically
support the Patient Advocacy Transparency Act.



Diana Zuckerman, PhD
National Center for Health Research
Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD
PharmedOut, Georgetown University Medical Center
Vikas Saini, MD
Right Care Alliance
Peter Lurie, MD, MPH
Center for Science in the Public Interest
James Rickert, MD
Society for Patient Centered Orthopedics
Julie Childers
Our Bodies Ourselves
Andrew Kolodny, MD
Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing
Matthew Petty
Physicians for a National Health Program
Fiona Godlee, MD
Michael Carome, MD
Public Citizen
Susan Wood, PhD
Jacobs Institute, The George Washington University
Manan Trivedi, MD, MPP
National Physicians Alliance
Karuna Jaggar
Breast Cancer Action
Fran Quigley, JD
People of Faith for Access to Medicine
Judy Rummler
FED UP! Coalition to End the Opioid Epidemic
John T. James, PhD
Patient Safety America
Cindy Pearson
National Women’s Health Network
April Rovero
National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse
Ed Weisbart, MD
Physicians for a National Health Program, Missouri Chapter
Cara Spencer
Consumers Council of Missouri