NCHR Response to Senate Health bill

The Senate tried and failed to pass a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

All three versions of the so-called Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 would have resulted in much worse, not better, health care for Americans than our current healthcare program.

What was wrong with the bills?

They varied, but they had two big problems in common:

  • All of the bills would have made health insurance coverage unaffordable to millions of Americans, including treatment aimed at reducing opioid addiction.
  • All of the bills would have resulted in more expensive health insurance policies that would have covered fewer medical services.  Consumers would have paid much more because the bill did not include a requirement or any incentives for healthy Americans to buy health insurance.  When healthier people don’t buy insurance, that increases the price of insurance for everyone who does buy it.

Take Action

Make your voice heard today and call your senators!

You can use this national call-in number: 202-224-3121

Tell them that Democrats and Republicans should work together to improve Obamacare.  Tell them that Americans and our insurance companies need to know that Congress will make Obamacare more secure.  Don’t let Obamacare implode!

Here are some tips for calling your senators.


Call President Trump at 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414 and tell him he will be held responsible if Obamacare implodes!