January 9, 2023: NCHR strongly agrees with CPSC’s proposed ruling that APBR has an “unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with entrapment hazards” and enthusiastically supports CPSC’s plan to make the voluntary safety standards mandatory, include new requirements for testing and labeling, and consider banning the products if the new standards do not substantially improve their safety. It is important to consider alternatives to APBR’s if it becomes necessary to ban them, and alternatives can be bed trapezes, adjustable beds, nonslip mattress pads, and bed exit alarms.
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National Center for Health Research Comment on Safety Standards for Gates and Enclosures to the Consumer Product Safety Commission
December 14, 2022: NCHR supports CPSC’s plan to revise section ASTM F1004-22 of the mandatory standards for safety gates and enclosures to include a specific warning about the installation of wall cups. Gates and enclosures that use wall cups for mounting can break or unlatch if not installed properly which can result in falls, choking, and strangulations. A mandatory warning label that specifically addresses these concerns will alert parents to the need for proper installation of these gates and enclosures but we urge CPSC to make this mandatory label also present on the outside packaging of gates and enclosures.
Read More »NCHR Comments on CPSC Priorities for FY2021/2022
April 2020. We want to start by emphasizing two issues involving chemicals in products that affect our and our children’s health, (1) artificial turf and playground surfaces and equipment, and (2) organohalogen flame retardants. We will also briefly discuss sport and recreational helmets, sleep-related products for infants, furniture stability, home elevators, and liquid nicotine packaging. All these issues should be CPSC priorities.
Read More »NCHR Comments on CPSC Agenda and Priorities for FY2020/2021
May 1, 2019. CPSC has a key role to play in protecting children and adults from harmful products used in their daily life. CPSC should consider artificial turf and playground surfaces, organohalogen flame retardants, and sport and recreational helmets as priorities for FY2020 and 2021.
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